Attention College Students:
Never before in the history of mankind has so much been available to help so many succeed, especially as it relates to the kind of help that college students need. Technical schools in Florida want students to succeed. Equipping students with knowledge is a given. Making students aware of power tools and resources to enable success is an important responsibility as well.
Technical schools in Florida want students to succeed.
To list all the tools and resources available might be an endless and unproductive task. People don’t read long lists. So here is a short list of 10 top tools and resources every college student needs.
First, get organized.
“I’m so organized I can’t bear to look.”
This includes using everything from standard school supply binders to PC filing systems. The entire educational process will be proportionally easier for students with uncluttered desks, rooms and minds. Keep all of the information for each course in a binder so that it is always available and accessible. Do the same with the materials on your digital devices. Keep your desktop clean by filing everything in its right place.
Organizing Tools and Resources
Exam Time is a PC app that includes a filing system, calendar and other tools designed by students and teachers from around the globe.
Google Drive is free. That’s a good start. Everything after that is awesome. Its features are designed for ease of organization, collaboration, and communication. It is cloud-based, so files are accessible anywhere. Box and OneDrive are similar, but Google Drive tops the list.
Evernote is loved by everyone. It is the standard by which all similar apps are judged. Notes, messages, reminders, to-do lists and photos can all be stored and organized by theme or by subject matter.
RescueTime tracks your digital life to reveal how much valuable time is being wasted on social media and game sites and apps.
There’s an app for that.
Study tools and resources
RefMe a resource that allows students to scan bar codes on reference material, store the information, and paste the URL as a citation in a research paper when it is time to list them – which is usually somewhere around crunch time.
Easybib is similar to RefMe in purpose, but different in function, collecting the URLs of websites visited and used for source material. not only has tutorials on a plethora of subjects, but they can be sorted based on user ratings.
Course Buffet is a search engine resource specifically created to locate open courseware, dramatically reducing time spent searching instead of studying.
Fiverr is a proofreading service at heart, but also offers expert advice and help polishing speeches, essays, resumes and creative writing material. It’s worth the “fiver” it will cost to access this service, especially when spelling and grammar count toward the grade.
The clock. Sometimes it’s an app. Sometimes it hangs on a wall or sits on a desk. Use the clock to make time your friend before it becomes your enemy.
It may be later than you think.
Bonus: Teachers are the best resource a student can have. They are your friends. They have more power to help students succeed than any other source. Teachers at technical schools in Florida are here to help. They are the only tool that understands each student’s specific needs. Don’t forget to use them from start to finish.
Classmates are also great resources to learn and grow. While attending Florida Technical College, you may be sitting next to someone that already has experience in the industry you are interested in, and they may be brushing up on their skills or looking to get an advanced degree. Classmates are a great help during study groups as they have a different perspective on the curriculum and are a great resource for class preparation.
Bonus College Resources and Tools
There are many college resources and tools that you will learn attending Florida Technical College. Instructors will offer industry tips, while career services staff will help you find a job that fits your passion. Some additional college resources and tools include:
LinkedIn – this is a business social networking community where you can stay connected with students, friends, coworkers, and supervisors. Your colleagues can offer insight into your contributions to an organization, while being a resource for a new career opportunity in the future. You never know when you will need assistance finding a new job.
Scribd – the biggest online library for students that need to research a topic or study interests.
Google Scholar – helps students do research and find sources to write essays and complete research projects.
Quizlet – Need flashcards to learn terms for your class? Quizlet offers online study tools created by community members that will help you learn terminology and definitions with easy-to-use games, flashcards, quizzes, and study sets.
StudyBlue – the largest crowdsourced study library connecting students with resources by class type, subject, learning goals, ideas, and projects. Also included are real-time assessment and study guides.
Career Services – Florida Technical College offers career services that help you find a job after graduation, build a solid resume, and prepare you for interviews. We also have close ties with community employers to hear about jobs that match your trade programs.
Florida Technical College provides the right environment for learning with individual student attention, experienced faculty, and career services. We are approved by the United States Department of Education to offer federal student assistance to its students who qualify. Career advising is available to our students from enrollment to graduation and beyond.
To learn more about resources for college students and technical schools in Florida, please contact us.
These examples are intended to serve only as a general guide of possible employment opportunities. There are many factors that determine the job an individual may obtain and NUC University – Florida Technical College (NUC-FTC) cannot guarantee its graduate any particular job. Some positions may require license or other certifications. We encourage you to research the requirements for the particular position you desire.