The Impact of Social Media on Beauty Trends and Careers - FTC Florida Technical College

The Impact of Social Media on Beauty Trends and Careers

The beauty industry has always leveraged the power of marketing. From traditional advertisements in print magazines to targeted social media ads, consumers have long been influenced by the visual impact of beauty trends. 

However, social media has taken that influence to new heights. TikTok beauty trends have taken the world by storm, upending social media marketing for salons and contributing to an influx of beauty influencer collaborations. 

With this said, recognizing the power and impact of social media on beauty trends and careers can help you carve your own path forward in this dynamic and growing industry. 

The Rise ofSocial Mediain the Beauty Industry 

Over the past several years, social media has entirely reshaped the beauty industry. At one time, cosmetics companies and beauty product developers focused solely on traditional advertisements — TV ads that showcased voluminous hair cascading down a woman’s back or a magazine advertisement showing a bright pop of red lipstick on a picture-perfect subject. These ads worked; they sold products, and they encouraged consumers to adapt to the latest trends. 

And yet, once social media entered the scene, it seemed that the entire industry changed overnight. Rather than the companies themselves dictating to consumers which trends were on point, an onslaught of content creators were using products, giving tutorials, showcasing reviews, and motivating their followers to do the same. 

Emergence ofSocial MediaPlatforms as Key Advertising Channels 

When the first social media platforms were launched, they offered a distinct appeal: Most of them were ad-free. The college students who were signing onto Facebook in the early aughts loved the fact that they were not bombarded by advertisements. Given the immense number of people getting connected to one another on social media, however, it became evident that these platforms were going to be an advertising powerhouse. 

According to LinkedIn, Facebook first introduced targeted ads between 2005 and 2006, and it quickly became clear that these types of media would allow businesses to reach consumers and increase their conversion rates. 

Today, some of the most impactful social media advertisements in the beauty industry include: 

  • Video ads – These ads seem like TV commercials and often play in between videos or posts on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. 
  • Sponsored content – This is content made by a brand that is specifically created as an advertisement and promoted as such. 
  • Sponsored influencer content – This is user-generated content created by an influencer as an advertisement for a particular product. With this type of content, the influencer is typically paid or given the product for free in exchange for promoting it on their social platforms. 

Exploring the Power ofSocial MediaInfluence on Beauty Trends 

Social media has had a particularly significant influence on beauty trends, largely because the beauty industry perfectly plays into the desire to present the best version of yourself on social media. Influencers have learned to create an aesthetic that suits their brand, and they strive to appear both inspirational and aspirational. Naturally, their followers want to emulate them, meaning many of the most influential beauty trends of our time began as viral moments on social media. 

The Role of Influencers in Shaping Beauty Trends 

Defined as social media personalities who have a couple-thousand followers or more, influencers play a pivotal role in shaping the beauty trends of today and tomorrow. Followers on social media trust influencers because they have worked to develop an authentic brand and a trustworthy reputation. Many consumers feel that influencers are more dependable than companies themselves, as they are more likely to offer a transparent opinion or a firsthand experience with a particular product. 

Impact of Beauty Influencers on Consumer Choices 

Consumers are heavily influenced by the content they see online, which has had a substantial impact on beauty trends and purchases. According to BeautyMatter, the global influencer market in 2023 was $21.1 billion, and that is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. In fact, nearly 49% of consumers report that they have purchased a product because it was recommended by an influencer they follow. 

Case Studies: Influencers Who Have Shifted Beauty Trends 

The most influential influencers are those who have millions of followers. These mega influencers, due to the sheer size of their loyal audience, are able to actually determine the beauty trends that people follow today. 

According to Meltwater, Jeffree Star is the most powerful influencer who has more than 1 million followers online. With more than 28.2 million followers, each post boasts more than 616,000 engagements, whether through comments or likes. This iconic influencer began his career as a professional makeup artist, and he now motivates his followers to try out their own styles using his unique line of cosmetics. 

HowSocial MediaHas Transformed Beauty Careers 

At one time, essentially the only way to have a beauty career was to work in a salon. While it’s still possible to launch a traditional career styling hair and makeup, social media has opened up a wide range of career options that allow people to indulge their passion for beauty in a new and exciting way. 

New Career Opportunities in the Beauty Industry Driven bySocial Media 

According to Hubble, some new careers that have formed in the beauty industry as a result of social media include: 

  • Content creator – You could embark on a lucrative and lasting career by becoming a content creator who showcases beauty products. Whether through online tutorials or reviews, you can begin creating content and amassing a following that allows you to become a social media influencer. 
  • E-commerce business owner – By developing a presence on social media, you could create your own line of cosmetics or skincare products and begin selling them to those who follow you on the most reliable social media platforms. 

Success Stories: Individuals Who Built Their Beauty Careers ThroughSocial Media 

Some of today’s key players in the beauty industry began their careers simply by posting content on social media. Take Michelle Phan, for example, who now runs the subscription-based cosmetics company Ipsy. Phan first began her career by posting makeup tutorials on YouTube, but she amassed such an amazing following that she soon became a makeup artist to the stars. From there, she was inspired to launch her own business, and today she enjoys the type of beauty career most people only dream about. 

Another such success story includes Huda Kattan, founder of Huda Beauty, who took her passion plus a $6,000 loan and built a highly profitable cosmetics brand that has maintained a strong social media presence with more than 50 million Instagram followers and counting. 

Social Mediaand the Evolution of Beauty Trends 

Being built entirely by user-generated content, social media quickly began to shape the beauty trends people were adopting. There is something alluring and irresistible about seeing beautiful people online feature their own personal highlight reels that motivates consumers to attempt to do the same in their own lives. As a result, the beauty industry has seen the types of beauty trends taking the world by storm shift and evolve in the social media era. 

Influence ofSocial MediaPlatforms on Emerging Beauty Trends 

Some of the most powerful social media sites in the beauty industry are the legacy platforms. Instagram and YouTube constitute two of these, though TikTok beauty trends are currently in the lead. Statista cites that nearly 33% of all social media beauty purchases are made through TikTok, while about 28% of purchases originate from Instagram and an additional 27% from YouTube. 

Highlighting Key Beauty Trends Popularized viaSocial Media 

According to Associated Skin Care Professionals, these are some of the key beauty trends that have been popularized on social media platforms: 

  • Latte makeup – From clothing to cosmetics, it appears that the ’90s are back. While consumers today want to create the same tanned appearance that young people in the 1990s enjoyed, they want to do so without fake-and-baking at a tanning salon. Latte makeup, used widely by influencers on social media, gives the appearance of a natural suntan without the skin cancer risk that comes from basking in UV rays at a tanning salon. 
  • Face yoga – Have you heard about all the middle school students who are “mewing”? These facial exercises are being heavily promoted on social media as a way to train facial muscles to remain tight, ultimately affecting the health and vitality of your skin. They are incredibly popular among younger populations, who, ironically, likely don’t have to work very hard to keep their skin looking fresh and youthful. 
  • Micro beauty – In today’s busy world of ever-connected people, efficiency reigns supreme, making the concept of micro beauty particularly appealing. Influencers have highlighted the importance of quick, streamlined makeup and skincare routines, ultimately allowing their followers to create a natural, effortless look in a matter of moments. 

Intersection of Beauty Brands andSocial Media 

Although influencers play a central role in shaping the beauty market on social media, beauty brands have an opportunity to make an impact as well. Ranging from makeup and cosmetics to hair and skincare products, beauty brands have been able to leverage the power of social media to create a base of loyal customers. 

How Beauty Brands LeverageSocial Mediafor Brand Awareness 

Beauty brands take advantage of the power of social media by creating strategic, targeted, and multifaceted campaigns. According to The Drum, beauty brands can leverage social media and raise brand awareness by: 

  • Focusing on the platforms that have the biggest influence in the beauty industry. For beauty brands, a TikTok presence is crucial, and knowing how to create engaging and impactful TikTok videos will help them quickly raise awareness among their target audience. 
  • Posting about products and linking to their online stores. Beauty brands often have the most success when they promote their products on Instagram, where 90% of all beauty-related content is shared. 
  • Creating tutorials showing users how they can best use their products. YouTube is the best place to put these tutorial videos. 
  • Partnering with influencers who are willing to share products and showcase how they work. Influencers are considered by followers to be more trustworthy than the brand itself, which is why these beauty influencer collaborations are so critical to raising brand awareness. 

Examining SuccessfulSocial MediaCampaigns by Beauty Brands 

One of the most successful social media campaigns by a major beauty brand was Sephora’s Beauty Insider Community. This digital beauty hub became a community in and of itself, designed specifically with influencers and their treasured beauty followers in mind. This campaign served to do more than just create buzz about a brand that had long been associated with the beauty industry; it also sought to create an authentic, interconnected community that allowed consumers to form a lasting relationship with the brand.  

The success of the campaign can be attributed to the beauty influencer collaborations. Influencers were invited to the community as moderators and hosts, often leading question-and-answer sessions and doing live tutorials. It became the place to go to connect with others who were passionate about looking and feeling their best. 

The Future of Beauty Trends in the Realm ofSocial Media 

The future always remains uncertain — particularly in the digital age that is constantly redefined by the latest and greatest technology — yet one thing that’s for sure is that social media will continue playing a pivotal part in beauty trends of the future. Across generations, it’s clear that social media marketing is the biggest driving force behind the beauty products and trends in which consumers are interested, and that is not expected to let up anytime soon. 

Predicting Future Beauty Trends Influenced bySocial Media 

While the beauty industry is burgeoning in the wake of TikTok beauty trends and other social media influences, it’s becoming clear that the industry is quite crowded. This makes it essential for all types of beauty brands to focus on the future and begin attempting to predict what the next big thing will be. The ever-fluctuating demands of the powerful Gen Z demographic is likely to continue shaping beauty trends, so it’s key to keep an eye on this market segment. Some future beauty trends to look out for include: 

  • AI-influenced beauty – Everyone will be seeking a perfectly digitized option that has been optimized to meet their individual needs. 
  • Novelty – Many consumers want what is new and special, not what is tried-and-true. You can leverage social media marketing to raise awareness about your most innovative products. 
  • Sustainability – With climate change looming, more consumers are mindful of the products they purchase and their impact on the environment. Focusing on sustainable products and highlighting eco-friendly initiatives will benefit your beauty career. 

Potential Impact of EmergingSocial MediaPlatforms on Beauty Trends 

At this time, legacy social media platforms reign supreme in the beauty industry. YouTube and Instagram continue to be powerhouse players, while TikTok is the newest platform to truly make a mark. However, beauty brands and influencers alike will need to keep an eye on up-and-coming platforms, which may have the potential to overtake the legacy platforms that have been relied upon for decades now. 

Ethical Considerations in Beauty Trends Amplified bySocial Media 

Social media influencers not only have the power to promote products they use and love, but they also can add a sense of context that traditional advertising techniques cannot. In addition to providing followers with information about a particular product and how to use it in their daily lives, influencers can tell a story about the brand. They may offer insight into the ingredients used or the people employed in order to create the product. As a result, ethical considerations have begun to play a significant role in consumer decisions. 

Importance of Authenticity and Transparency inSocial MediaBeauty Promotions 

Above all, social media advertisements and beauty influencer collaborations must be authentic and transparent. Social media platforms are able to be so impactful because followers and users trust the content they are consuming. They consider it to be more objective and relatable than traditional advertising, and if you compromise that trust, you run the risk of losing access to your target audience. 

How HaveSocial MediaPlatforms Influenced Our Perception of Beauty? 

Though people are quick to point out the negative impact social media can have on self-esteem and confidence, you could simultaneously argue that social media has actually made the beauty industry more inclusive and welcoming. All people are able to find beauty that looks like them on social media, making our perception of beauty more diverse and more authentic. Rather than thinking that one look or style is the epitome of beauty, individuals can discover inspiration online that feels right for them. 

Explore the Impact ofInfluencerMarketing in the Beauty Industryat Florida Technical College 

Whether you are interested in managing social media marketing for salons or aspire to become a beauty influencer, the cosmetology diploma program at Florida Technical College can help equip you with the foundational skills and knowledge needed to launch your beauty career. Consisting of both practical and theoretical coursework and available in both English and Spanish, this diploma program prepares students to take the for Florida Licensure in Cosmetology. 

Request more information about our online programs today.   

These examples are intended to serve only as a general guide of possible employment opportunities. There are many factors that determine the job an individual may obtain and Florida Technical College cannot guarantee its graduates any particular job. Some positions may require license or other certifications. We encourage you to research the requirements for the particular position you desire. 
