Cybersecurity in the Age of IoT: Challenges and Solutions - FTC Florida Technical College

Cybersecurity in the Age of IoT: Challenges and Solutions

While cloud-based security focuses on protecting data that is stored in the cloud, Internet of Things security measures are designed to protect the physical network of devices that are connected to one another in a given place. Securing IoT devices is required whether you are establishing a home network or a complex network in an industrial complex, so it’s essential to take the correct measures.


The Importance of IoT Security

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to a set of physical devices that are connected through a common internet system. For example, in modern households, there may be an IoT that connects the thermostat, the garage door opener, smart appliances, gaming consoles, and the mobile devices everyone in the household uses. According to TechTarget, securing IoT devices is crucial because each device within the network is vulnerable to a cyberattack, and all devices are holding valuable data that could be used by hackers for their personal gain.

The Role of IoT in Today’s Digital Age

The role of IoT continues to become more prominent with each passing day, as more devices are created that are designed to be connected to the internet. Advanced and complex IoT networks will continue to be built, not only within an individual’s household but also in all places of business and learning, highlighting the critical importance of IoT device security.

The Intersection of IoT and Cybersecurity

By being aware of Internet of Things security risks and knowing how to secure IoT devices, individuals and professionals can work to protect themselves and their organizations. Cybersecurity professionals often have the most advanced knowledge and skills, allowing them to effectively implement IoT security measures.

Risks and Challenges Associated With IoT Devices

IoT devices are becoming increasingly common, with more and more devices offering internet connectivity and advanced, smart features. Knowing the risks and challenges associated with IoT devices can help you proactively address the security risks.

The Vulnerability of IoT Devices to Cyberattacks

According to Balbix, most IoT devices are built with convenience in mind — not necessarily security. These are a few of the reasons why IoT devices may be vulnerable to cyberattacks:

  • Coding vulnerabilities – Some IoT devices have open codes that leave them at risk of attack.
  • Minimal visibility – Oftentimes, individuals bring IoT devices into a network without identifying them, which can compromise the integrity of the device and the security of the entire network.
  • High data volume – When the IoT network is overwhelmed with data, it may not function as well and may be vulnerable to attack.
  • Weak passwords – Many people keep the default passwords in place for their new IoT device, and these weak passwords are easy for hackers to figure out, allowing them to easily access the device and the network.

Privacy Issues in IoT

Most IoT devices are designed to gather and store data, but this can lead to privacy issues, particularly if IoT security standards have not been put in place. According to Kaspersky, some IoT devices are designed in order to share and sell data, which can lead to privacy concerns among users.

Comprehensive Analysis of IoT Security Breaches

IoT security breaches have occurred since the first IoT devices were created. For more than 30 years, experts have been analyzing these breaches and working to figure out how to implement better IoT security standards to protect individuals and organizations from these attacks.

Impact and Consequences of IoT Security Breaches

The impact of IoT security breaches can be quite far-reaching. According to TechTarget, some of the most notable IoT security breaches have led to:

  • Failure of operational technology that has led to widespread shutdowns and outages at the industrial level.
  • Unparalleled access to personal devices by hackers, such as being able to reach children through baby monitors in their nurseries.
  • Malfunctions in vehicles in which hackers were able to control features of the car remotely while the driver was operating it.

The Need for Strengthening IoT Networks and Devices

Recognizing the serious impact that IoT network security breaches can have on individuals and organizations, it’s imperative for all cybersecurity professionals to begin strengthening IoT networks and implementing more rigorous IoT security standards.

Existing Weaknesses in IoT Security

Some existing IoT security weaknesses include:

  • Weak passwords that leave individual IoT devices vulnerable to attack.
  • Lack of encryption within the user interface.
  • Complex networks that include a wide range of IoT devices.

The Role of User Behavior in IoT Security

Although the IoT device should have security features in place designed to protect it from a cyberattack and to help it effortlessly connect to an IoT network, the user also must take responsibility and accountability for securing IoT devices. Users can take additional measures — such as creating more secure passwords and working with cybersecurity professionals in order to connect a new device — that can allow them to improve IoT security measures at home and at work.

Securing IoT: Effective Measures and Strategies

While there are weaknesses to consider and challenges to address when it comes to security IoT devices, there are also many strategies that can help increase the protection of these devices and the networks to which they are connected.

Best Practices for IoT Security

A few of the best practices for IoT security include:

  • Always know what devices are connected to the IoT in a given facility.
  • Automatically classify all devices connected on the network.
  • Identify any risk factors associated with any particular device.

Advanced IoT Security Methods

Some advanced methods that can be implemented include:

  • Incorporating IoT security into the design of the device.
  • Utilizing PKI and digital certificates for added security.
  • Incorporating API security in order to protect all data being harvested, stored, and shared on the IoT.

Role of Legislation in IoT Security

Recognizing the serious implications of an IoT security breach, the government has worked to create legislation to regulate and strengthen IoT security.

Current IoT Security Standards and Regulations

There are numerous IoT security standards and regulations in place around the world, some of which include:

  • The IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act, which was introduced by the United States Congress in 2017 in order to set a baseline for IoT security standards and regulations.
  • A globally applicable standard for consumer based IoT security that was designed and released by the European Telecommunications Standard Institute in 2019.
  • The UK’s Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act, which was implemented in 2022 and requires all consumer smart devices in the United Kingdom to have the ability to prevent and mitigate cyberattacks.

Future Implications of IoT Legislation

As cyberattacks become more prevalent and ever evasive, there will likely be future legislation to regulate IoT security standards. Some experts anticipate legislation that requires IoT device developers to begin implementing additional security measures during the design phase.

The Most Vulnerable Industries to IoT Threats

IoT threats exist in all industries, yet some are more vulnerable than others. Industries that would be heavily impacted by a massive outage or shutdown are most vulnerable, such as:

  • Healthcare
  • Retail
  • Logistics and trucking
  • Finance
  • Consumer electronics

Industries at Risk: A Deep Dive

There’s more than just money at risk when it comes to IoT security breaches. Without the proper security measures in place, some industries are at risk of security breaches that could be life-threatening. For instance, an automotive IoT security breach affecting the performance of a wide range of vehicles could put the lives of drivers (or others on the road) at risk. Knowing the repercussions and implications of these breaches highlights the importance of industry-wide IoT security standards.

Preventive Measures for Vulnerable Industries

Preventative measures that industry leaders can take include:

  • Identifying all devices connected to the IoT.
  • Monitoring and evaluating all risk factors.
  • Implementing additional security measures in order to prevent a cyberattack.

Maintaining Your IoT Devices: An Essential Guide

You probably have dozens of IoT devices across both your home and workplace. Knowing how to maintain these devices can help you protect your data and private information in the event of a cyberattack.

Regular Updates and Patches

Updates on your devices can feel tedious and inconvenient, but installing these updates and patches on a regular basis is critical to protecting your device. Make sure to run updates automatically so that your device is always as protected as possible.

Importance of Strong Passwords and Encryption

Change your password regularly, and use strong passwords that vary from one device to the next. Encryption adds another layer of protection to your data.

Learn More About Cybersecurity in the Age of IoT at Florida Technical College

At Florida Technical College, we offer a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with an emphasis on Cybersecurity to help students develop the advanced technical skills required in today’s IT industry. Our rigorous curriculum focuses on programming for security, networking and security fundamentals, cyber law and compliance, as well as Internet of Things security risks — allowing graduates to pursue a wide range of career opportunities in cybersecurity or information technology.

Request more information about our skills-based, online degree programs today.

These examples are intended to serve only as a general guide of possible employment opportunities. There are many factors that determine the job an individual may obtain and Florida Technical College cannot guarantee its graduates any particular job. Some positions may require license or other certifications. We encourage you to research the requirements for the particular position you desire. 

