Men are not really from Mars and women are not really from Venus. That’s just a euphemism for saying that men and women are wired differently. But it’s not just men and women. Some people are left-brain; others are right-brain. Some are extroverts; others are introverts. Some like to take a hands-on approach to life; others, not so much.
What Floats Your Boat?
Consider career paths that are in tune with your personal style and preferences.
Image courtesy of Gualberto107 at
It’s important to know what floats your boat, because that’s where you want to put your boat (your career). People who like to work alone should choose a career that offers that opportunity. People who like to interact with other people should think about preparing for jobs where there is a lot of personal connection or collaboration.
Even these two groups of people – those who want a lot of interaction and those who don’t – can be split into two sub-groups: those who like a hands-on approach and those who don’t. The good news is that are plenty of opportunities available and that technical schools in Florida provide the training for those opportunities.
What Kinds of Opportunities Are There?
There are many more hands-on careers opportunities than most people imagine.
The right training will prepare you to pursue the career of your dreams.
In the realm of healthcare, for instance, there are hands-on careers such as (1) certified medical assistants, (2) occupational therapy assistants, as well as (3) patient care, (4) phlebotomy and (5) EKG technicians. Jobs are available in doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals and other medical facilities.
The field of Criminal Justice provides opportunities for (6) investigators, (7) patrolmen, (8) corrections officers and (9) private detectives.
Explore the opportunities!
For the mechanically inclined, Florida technical schools offer courses in (10) HVAC.
Careers in beauty care include opportunities for (11) stylists, (12) cosmetologists, (13) skin care specialists, (14) nail specialists and (15) estheticians. Trained estheticians can pursue careers with salons and doctor’s offices (for the extroverts) or funeral homes (for the introverts). Speaking of “floating your boat,” there are even jobs for estheticians on cruise lines leaving from Florida ports not far from the campuses of Florida Technical College.
What Can Technical Schools in Florida Teach Me?
The simple answer is, “Everything you need to know to be prepared for certification.” Training in Healthcare, for instance, includes courses in Anatomy & Physiology, Medical Law, Pharmacology, Surgical Procedures, Cardiology and Medical Terminology. Plus, 160 hours of student training is, well, “hands-on” in real medical settings.
The Criminal Justice program includes training in Identity Theft, Criminal Procedures, Criminal Law, and Gun Control.
The diploma program for HVAC covers heating, refrigeration and air conditioning, and includes training in Programmable Logic Controllers.
Cosmetology training includes Hair Styling, Coloring and Makeup Techniques.
Decide what career choices are right for you, then get the training needed to help you succeed.
Hands-on people often don’t realize just how many opportunities exist. Along with that, the best career for them, as individuals, may be one they have never imagined. It could be a career they never knew existed. The demand for hand-on people will never disappear. Regardless of gender, regardless of left or right-mindedness, and regardless of being an extrovert or an introvert, there are opportunities to both gain the necessary skills and use them for a long and satisfying career.
Contact us at Florida Technical College to learn more about the educational opportunities available.
Lou Gutheil writes on a wide variety of subjects, including investments, immigration, technology, NGOs, and, of course, higher education.