Getting Ready to Graduate? Part II - Florida Technical College

Getting Ready to Graduate? Part II

How Social Media Can Help or Hinder Your Job Search

As you get ready to graduate from Florida Technical College you are preparing your resume, practicing your interviewing skills, and working with the Career Services department to help you find your dream job. What you should also be doing is taking a look at your foot print on social media sites. Many employers check the social media sites of prospective new hires, and they often reconsider hiring someone based on what they see.

Use Common Sense on Social Media


There are some major mistakes you can make, which may seem obvious, but don’t be the person who lets a potential new boss see these blunders. Employers do not want to see references to drugs, sex, drinking, guns, or profanity. If you think you might have any of these things lurking in your ancient history, from when you were less responsible than you are now, it is worth your time to go back and delete them.


Also Avoid these Less Obvious Mistakes


So those are the big ones. It makes sense to get rid of those majorly controversial posts and pictures. But there are other, more subtle things that may turn off a new employer. According to a survey, employers rethink hires when they see a lot of grammar or spelling mistakes in social media posts. They also don’t want to see you complaining about past jobs or bosses, making very strong political statements, or posting anything too controversial or excessively personal.


How to Clean up Your Social Media


You can delete anything from your pages that you think may turn off a potential boss, but if any of your sites are just overflowing with posts and pictures you think might cause you a problem getting hired, you have two options: You can change your privacy settings to make sure a new employer can’t see your posts, or you can delete your account. Having one or two pages that an employer can check out without being offended is a good idea, so do your best to make at least one presentable and visible.


How Social Media Can Help You Get the Job


Your faux pas on social media may cost you a job, but being selective and thoughtful about what and how you post can actually give you a boost over other job candidates. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account yet, now is the time to start one. Being on this professional site shows potential employers that you are serious about your career. It also gives you a place to show your skills, education, and job experience, almost like an online resume.


As you get ready to graduate and find an exciting new career, remember that your online identity sends a message to prospective employers. Google yourself, clean up your social media sites, create a professional account, and if you need help, let our Career Services department here at FTC help you.